Working Success Congratulations

Our congratulations go out to WSSCSW members Ann Lyons, Tina Smith and Gill cooper who had some great results at the recent KC Field Trials held at Harvington Shoot, Evesham, Worcestershire.

Ann Lyon (centre) gained a Certificate of Merit (COM) which is a huge achievement in a Field Trial with Bushwacker Hotspot of Mymmsbrook and Tina Smith (left) and Gill Cooper (right) gained the Show Gundog Working Certificate (SGWC) with Isfryn Hocus Pocus JW and Fiergen City Limits respectively. Scroll down to see all the results.

Great work ladies we hope you continue with your success in 2016

KC FT Dec 2015 01


The Kennel Club All Ages Spaniel Stakes

Except Spaniel (Cocker) & Spaniel (English Springer)

Monday 7th December 2015
At Harvington Shoot, Evesham, Worcestershire (by permission of Mr R & Mrs S Byrd)
Judges: Mr S Bolton [2025] & Mr J Gallimore [2882]

1st. Midori Diamond Huddlestone, handled by Roy Ellershaw and owned by Jane Smith-Bodden (Clumber)

2nd. Venaticus Henrietta, James Darley (Clumber)

3rd. Jubilwell Kayna, handled by Bill Cadwell and owned by Mr & Mrs Cadwell (Sussex)

4th. Venaticus Isabella, James Darley (Clumber)

COM. Bushwacker Hotspot of Mymmsbrook, Ann Lyon (WSS)

Gun's Choice: Ickyticker Hamish, Mark Rydzewski (Clumber)

Show Gundog Working Certificates awarded to:

Fiergen City Limits, handled by Gill Cooper and owned by Mr & Mrs Cooper (WSS)

Isfryn Hocus Pocus JW, Tina Smith (WSS)