Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales


at Forest Oak Farm, Lydney, Glos. GL15 4LN

on SUNDAY 22nd September 2024

Judge: Ms Victoria (Tori) Ellis (Shannara)



Firstly, I would like to thank the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge this, my first breed club show. I would also like to thank my hard-working stewards who helped the day run smoothly. Finally, I would like to thank the exhibitors for their entries and kind acceptance of my decisions. It was a huge pleasure and privilege to have the opportunity to handle and judge your beautiful dogs. I was spoilt for choice and on more than one occasion I could have easily awarded more than one first place, and in the end it really did come down to splitting hairs.

Judge: Tori Ellis


 Class 1 - Veteran Dog (6:2)

1st       Sutherland's Ch Jacranella Solo WGC – Typey 9-year-old presented in good coat and condition and who ticks the fit for function box. His head is well proportioned and nicely worked with intelligent eyes. Muscular neck of good length which is set into well placed shoulders and leads on to a body that is deep and strong, and he stands on good legs and feet. Well developed all through with muscular, moderately angled hindquarters, he moved out well showing plenty of push and drive. BVD.

2nd      Smith's Isfryn Peeping Tom JW – Close up to 1, this merry and active 7-year-old was put down in super hard condition and has the most super temperament. A compact boy who, when he settles and into himself, presents a balanced outline with good angulation front and rear, and nice deep middle piece in between. While not the head of one, his is still pleasing, with cheeky, happy eyes. Sound and positive on the move, covering the ground. Just preferred the overall balance of one.

3rd      Williams’ Sh Ch Isfryn Spot the Difference Trebettyn

4th       Barkley’s Cherryheath's Mr Mojito VW

Class 2 - Baby Puppy Dog (1:0)

1st       Gaylor & Robertson’s Gilstonia Run Red Rum for Aprilflash – Standing alone, there is a lot to like about this young man who was just shy of 6 months. Appealing head and expression with nice chiselling. He is nicely knitted together through the body with good bone and substance for his age and presented a balanced outline. Being a baby, he needs to tighten through his limbs, nevertheless he still moved out confidently for one so young. BBPD and BBPIS

Class 3 - Minor Puppy Dog (2:0)

1st       Graham’s Nyliram Born This Way – Full of Welsh type, this unexaggerated young man of almost 9 months presented a balanced and symmetrical outline both standing and on the move. He has a nicely shaped head, with good chiselling and dark eyes. Clean throat, with a good length of neck set into nicely placed shoulders with corresponding upper arm that places his well boned straight legs nicely under him. His body has good width and depth for one so young, his top line is correct, and his quarters are moderately angled and developing well for age. Handled to advantage as one would expect, once he settled into his stride, he strode out well with confidence. BPD and BPIS

2nd      White & Diamond’s Nyliram Poker Face – Close up to 1, who is his litter brother, and so very similar comments apply. Another beautifully worked masculine head and eye, that is free from coarseness, with a slightly more defined stop to his brother. He too is well made all through, with good bone, body and substance and he stands on good legs and lovely feet. While I preferred his rear angulation, I felt he was less compact and not as confident on the move as his brother, however still a lovely boy.

Class 4 - Puppy Dog (1:1)

1st       Graham’s Nyliram Born This Waysee minor puppy above

Class 5 - Junior Dog (2:1)

1st       Johnstone’s Glenbrows Erasmus for Gilpeta – Pleasing young man of 17 months of a nice type, with agreeable height the length. The width of his white blaze can make it appear that he is broad in skull, but once your hands are on him, this is not the case, as his head is nicely balanced and proportioned, albeit I would prefer a slightly darker eye. Of a good make and shape, with a particularly nice length of neck, his body is maturing nicely, and he stands in nice legs and feet. Moved soundly.

Class 6 - Yearling Dog (5:2)

Three very different males, at differing stages of maturity

1st       Williams’ Nyliram The Alibi for Trebettyn – Not as mature as 2, this naughty 22 month old, who is of a good exaggerated welsh type, won this class on his ground covering active movement, and for being the most positive coming and going away; albeit he could have more width behind, but this should hopefully come as he matures and broadens through the body. While I would prefer a more defined stop, his head is balanced, and he has a cheeky glint in his eye to match his personality. He needs to develop through the body, but it is all there in his outline and shape. Expertly handled and presented, despite his best efforts.

2nd      Barkley’s Jacranella Galahad of Cherryheath (AI) – This 19 month old is more mature in body and of a stronger, heavier type and build to 1. Handsome, masculine head, with strong jaw, well defined stop, and kind eye. He has ample bone with well-padded round feet, nicely sprung ribs and a firm back, and is nicely muscled with moderately angled quarters. Pleasing in profile on the move, but couldn’t quite match the activeness of 1, and again I would prefer more width going away.

3rd      Sutherland’s Jacranella Guardian (AI)

Class 7 - Novice Dog (0)

Class 8 - Post Graduate Dog (3:0)

1st       Clarke’s Tigerrock Tick Tick Boom JW – Caught my attention on entering the ring, ticking the boxes for symmetry and balance without exaggeration. Lovely proportionate head with good eye, strong jaw and correct bite. He excels in front construction with super forechest and return of upper arm, and stands on well boned, straight legs and thickly padded catlike feet. His body is strong and muscular with big deep ribs and pleasing coupling. Broad well-muscled rear with good second thigh and correct, moderate angulation. It all came together on the move where he powered around the ring soundly driving from his well-set hocks. Beautifully presented. He pushed the older, Open winner hard, but had to give way on overall maturity to take RBD.

2nd      Stone’s Kidenoan Mark Time for Merram JW – From a different mold to 1, this neat and compact young man is maturing nicely and was presented in good coat and condition. Masculine, balanced head with a clearly defined stop. He is clean in throat with a long muscular neck set into good shoulders and forehand. He too has a good bone, legs and feet, and is developing well through his middle piece. His neatly docked tail, which didn’t stop wagging, is also pleasingly set into strong, well angulated quarters. Once settled, he moved out well. Unfortunate to meet 1.

3rd      Lewis’s Kidenoan Behind Marek Von Trannon


Class 9 - Limit Dog (2:0)

1st       Stephenson’s Mymmsbrook Matador with Blythway JW – A quality male who has matured into a lovely example of the breed and is clearly built for endurance and hard work and presented in hard condition. His beautiful rich blanket red markings are a little deceptive on first viewing, as there is a compact balanced body underneath that is nicely knitted together, with pleasing angulation front and rear and strong, firm body in between. Sound and positive on the move.

2nd      Jones’ Trosley Tamoshanta – Mature, honest male of nice overall type who was also presented in hard, well muscled condition. His masculine head is beautifully worked with the most appealing expression and kind eye – one of my favourites of the day. He is well angulated throughout with good bone, nice legs and neat round feet, and correct topline. Sound and happy on the move however not as active as 1. Just preferred the overall compactness of 1.

Class 10 - Open Dog (3:0)

1st       Clarke’s Sh Ch Tigerrock Magic Woundabout JW ShCEx OSW – Having long admired this male, he certainly didn’t disappoint on handling. Fully mature and in lovely coat and condition, I loved him for his size, balanced symmetrical outline with good height to length, and overall substance, where he has plenty but is not over done. Handsome balanced head with a defined stop, good eye and well-developed nostrils. Long neck flowing cleanly into well set shoulders with correct corresponding upper arm that placed his straight, well boned legs, nicely under him without appearing ‘top heavy’. From there your hands flow across a well-developed body with big deep ribs that reach well back, short loin and firm back, on to a lovely peachy round bum and quarters, with deep second thighs, nicely angulated stifles, and well let down hocks. He moved powerfully around the ring showing ground covering movement and correct footfall. Handled to advantage BD and RBIS.

2nd      Gaylor & Robertson’s Heniveruce King of Brewers for Aprilflash – Another quality male who was a pleasure to handle and was beautifully presented. Out of the same sire, he is very close up to 1, with very similar quality through his make and shape and another strong powerful, sound mover. He has super body, depth and muscle tone. A nice head piece with bright mischievous eyes and is well angulated front and behind. Just preferred the overall substance, symmetry and balance of 1.

BEST DOG – Sh Ch Tigerrock Magic Woundabout JW ShCEx OSW
RESERVE BEST DOG – Tigerrock Tick Tick Boom JW
BEST BABY PUPPY DOGGilstonia Run Red Rum for Aprilflash
BEST PUPPY DOG – Nyliram Born This Way
BEST VETERAN DOG – Ch Jacranella Solo WGC


Class 11 - Veteran Bitch (4:1) 

1st       Sutherland's Sh Ch Jacranella Sonata – This 9 year old has always been a favourite of mine and didn’t disappoint. She has a true Welsh outline, bone and substance, yet feminine. Lovely balanced head with a pleasing eye and expression. Muscular, strong neck set into well put together shoulders and straight front. Her body is so well balanced with lovely width, depth and a correct topline, and her quarters strong and muscular with moderate angulation and well set down hocks. She moved out well with drive and precision. BVB and BVIS

2nd      Jones’ Sh Ch Julita Rumours at Trosley – Another favourite of mine, this quality 8 year old was presented in lovely coat and condition. She has the most exquisite, well-proportioned head and melting expression – my favourite of the day. Well-made throughout with correct balanced angulation front and behind, she is feminine with good bone and body and stands on good legs and feet. She moved soundly in all directions but not quite the verve of 1. Preferred the more compact outline of 1.

3rd      Barkley’s Cherryheath's Miss Velocity JW

Class 12 - Baby Puppy Bitch (1:1)


Class 13 - Minor Puppy Bitch (3:0)

1st       Smith’s Nyliram Hold My Hand at Isfryn – Raw baby of 7 months, with lots to like. Yes, she was excitable, but she was enjoying every moment which is good to see and can only bode well for her future. Her head is nicely worked and balanced for her age and once settled, the fundamentals are all there in her make and shape, and just waiting to be filled out as she matures. She is particularly pleasing through her clean neck and nicely constructed shoulders which just flowed under my hands without interruption. Once settled she moved out happily with confidence. BPB

2nd      Lockie’s Gwirgariad Shooting Star – Another 7 month old who was more forward in maturity to 1. Of a nice honest Welsh type, her balanced and symmetrical outline is pleasing, and she has nice depth through the body for one so young. Moderately angled front and rear, with nice bone and body for age. Sweet head of nice proportions for age. She needs to settle and tighten all through on the move.

3rd      Brabon’s Kidenoan My First Cover

Class 14 - Puppy Bitch (2:0)

1st       Smith’s Nyliram Hold My Hand at Isfryn – see minor puppy above

2nd      Brabon’s Kidenoan My First Cover – A change of handler here for this 7 month old girl who was placed 3rd in the earlier class where she was difficult to assess in what I believe was her and then handlers first class at their first show. Here she presented a pleasing balanced outline. She is developing nicely through the body, with a pleasing depth to her underline, and is nicely angulated. Her feminine head is balanced with chiselling below her eyes. She moved ok in profile but needs to tighten coming and going.

Class 15 - Junior Bitch (2:0)

1st       White & Diamond’s Roxdale Premier Rose – Super young lady, just shy of 15 months, who caught my attention straight away for her overall balance and symmetrical outline. She is maturing nicely through her well put together body, with good bone, legs and neat round feet, deep ribs and good coupling. She carries a correct topline and her hindquarters are nicely angulated with second thigh that is developing well. Her pretty head is nicely with worked with a defined stop and dark expressive eyes. Being a tad excitable to start she was initially erratic going away, but soon settled into herself to show sound, ground covering movement. Beautifully presented and handled. She didn’t stop showing and, in the challenge, held her own against some older more mature and finished females to take RBB. Will watch her progress with interest.

2nd      Lewis’s Eiriandylis Strange Magic Von Trannon – Pleasing young lady of 13 months cut from a different mold to 1. She was not the most confident being gone over, nevertheless, she is of a good overall make and shape, feminine, with a neat and compact outline, and has a straight front with pleasing bone, legs and feet. Her pretty head is also nicely balanced. Moved out well once settled.

Class 16 - Yearling Bitch (3:0)

1st       Sutherland’s Jacranella Graceful (AI) – Well put together young lady of 19 months. She has a lovely Welsh outline with pleasing height to length. Her head is balanced and nicely marked with pleasing foreface and well-set ears, and she excels in front construction with her nicely boned, straight legs that are placed nicely under her thanks to her well-made and angled shoulders. Lovely body and depth for age, pleasing topline and neat, tidy round feet. Her quarters are also nicely angled and developing well. Sound and active on the move showing plenty of drive. Considered for higher honours.

2nd      White & Diamond’s Roxdale Moody Blue – Close up to 1, this 23 month old is another pleasing female of a good make and shape. Of a slightly bigger frame to 1 with a little more length in her loin, she has plenty of bone and substance for her size but still feminine. Pretty feminine head piece with pleasing eyes and nice expression. Balanced angulation throughout and deep body. Moved ok in profile but could be more positive going away.

3rd      Janes’ Jacranella Georgia Belle (AI)


Class 17 - Novice Bitch (2:1)

1st       Smith’s Nyliram Hold My Hand at Isfryn – see minor puppy bitch above

Class 18 - Post Graduate Bitch (2:0)

1st       Casey’s Tigerrock Amazing Grace with Willowmeana – Appealing, feminine young lady who is maturing nicely. Attractive nicely proportioned head with a clearly defined stop and kind eye. Her outline is balanced and symmetrical with pleasing neck and nicely placed shoulders, good ribs and brisket, deep body with short loin, and pleasing topline. Her rear end, which is moderately angled, is also developing nicely. Sound and happy on the move wagging her tail.

2nd      Lockie’s Benoveor Truly to Gwirgariad – There is much that appeals about this girl who is of a heavier and larger build to 1. Ample bone and body for size but without being overdone. Big deep ribs, strong body and firm topline, balanced angulation front and rear, nice feet. Feminine, nicely worked head with pleasing eye. Presented in good coat and condition. Moved ok covering the ground.

Class 19 - Limit Bitch (5:1)

1st       Morgan’s Benoveor Endless Love at Rubydown – An attractive and mature female of good type presented in fine fettle, with a lovely rich red jacket of correct texture and density. She is well made all through with good balanced angulation fore and aft, a well-developed middle piece and correct topline, and stands on nicely boned straight legs. Her pretty, feminine head is also well balanced with a lovely eye and expression. Purposeful and sound movement.

2nd      Johnston’s Nalydris Hakuna Matata – Of a different type to 1 there is much to like about this girl. I have not seen her since she was a puppy, and she has matured out well to fill out her classical Welsh frame. Nice neck and shoulders, strong firm body and topline, and deep well angulated and developed rear. Her head piece and expression are pleasing, and she moved out well.

3rd      Casey’s Tigerrock Lit de Roses with Willowmeana

Class 20 - Open Bitch (2:0)

1st       Clarke’s Sh Ch Crimicar She's Electrick with Tigerrock JW – Quality female who ticked all the boxes with her symmetrical, balanced and compact shape and Welsh outline that is free from exaggeration. Fully mature she has substance but is feminine and she flowed from the tip of her well-developed nose to her well set on and correctly carried tail. Pretty, well balanced head and kind expression. Lovely forehand construction with her long muscular neck, well laid-back shoulders and long upper arm. Her body is deep, strong and muscular with well sprung ribs and correct firm topline, and her broad, fully developed, hindquarters are correctly angulated with a moderate turn of stifle, good width of second thigh and well let down hocks. She filled my eye on the move showing true, accurate, powerful and precise movement. Beautifully presented and handled, she didn’t stop showing even with a different handler in the challenge. BB and BIS

2nd      Ferguson’s Julita Raindance at Teaselwood – Typey, feminine female of good overall make and shape and with nice body and bone, proportionate for her size Attractive head that is nicely worked with a correct bite. Her length of neck and clean nicely angulated shoulders and length of forearm are particularly pleasing, and she is nicely angulated and muscled behind. Presented in good coat and condition, she was pleasing in profile on the move however not quite as positive as 1 coming towards. Preferred the more compact outline of 1.

BEST BITCH – Sh Ch Crimicar She's Electrick with Tigerrock JW
RESERVE BEST BITCH – Roxdale Premier Rose
BEST PUPPY BITCH – Nyliram Hold My Hand at Isfryn
BEST VETERAN BITCH – Sh Ch Jacranella Sonata

BEST IN SHOWSH CH Crimicar She's Electrick with Tigerrock JW
RESERVE BEST IN SHOW Sh Ch Tigerrock Magic Woundabout JW ShCEx OSW
BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOWGilstonia Run Red Rum for Aprilflash
BEST PUPPY IN SHOWNyliram Born This Way
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW – Sh Ch Jacranella Sonata
