held at

The Drill Hall, Lower Church Street, Chepstow, NP16 5HJ

on SUNDAY 17th September 2017

Judge: Ms Tina Smith (Isfryn)

Best in Show Lineup

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BEST IN SHOW - Jacranella Serenade  
RESERVE BIS & BOS - Stedigan all in Good Time for Merrem
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Stedigan Starz in Their Eyes
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW - Ch Julita Rezanella Of Jacranella


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Debra Roberts, a close family friend and partner in the Cwrt Afon kennel of our late presidents Len and Kath Morgan is seen here presenting the Best in Show winner, Jane Sutherland with her dog Jacranella Serenade with a beautiful Welsh, cut-glass bowl which is the last of three trophies especially commissioned by the club to commemorate the lives of Len and Kath Morgan and their dedication and work for the club and the breed.

Similar trophies were presented to the winners of our Championship Show and Spring Open Show as one time awards that the winners will be allowed to retain.

Best Dog Lineup

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BEST DOG (right) - Stedigan all in Good Time for Merrem
RESERVE DOG (left) - Jacranella Solo

Best Bitch Lineup

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BEST BITCH (centre) - Jacranella Serenade
RESERVE BITCH (left) - Julita Rumours at Trosley
BEST PUPPY BITCH (right) - Stedigan Starz in Their Eyes

>>>     Click here for full list of results (not yet available)    <<< 

>>>         Click here for Photos of all winners (not yet available)          <<<


During the lunchbreak of the main show three classes of Special Awards were judged by:

Mrs Anne Worth (Sarabande)

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Class A Junior Dog or Bitch (right) - Pamicks Field of Dreams
Class B Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (centre) - Sycharth Land of my Fathers
Class C Special Len Morgan Memorial Open Stakes Dog or Bitch (left) - Coedybrain Nia At Cwmbeili

>>> Photos of SPECIAL AWARDS winners are in main gallery (not yet available) <<<