Please remember to submit points for the Silver Pheasant working points trophy to our Cup Secretary, Lesley Breeze, by 31st December this year. Please include only events in 2016 and add all details, dates, etc for checking purposes.
Mary Evans reminds you that only points gained during this year -1st Jan to 31st Dec, 2016 count (except for an upgrade on dummies to game on the KC qualifications). You may still have Working Tests/Field Trials to come but if you've finished you year (points-wise) and you think you're in with a shout, please send to Lesley. Please also make sure that you give details of where your qualifications were won/gained.
Full details on the system of points allocation can be found in articles under the "FIELD" tab above - or click here
Lesley can be contacted via email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or by post:
3 Brynal Drive,