Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales


(Held under Kennel Club Limited Rules & Show Regulations)
Earlswood Hall, Nr. Shirenewton, Chepstow. NP16 6AW

on Sunday 11th February 2024

Judge: Mrs Yvonne Billows (Robil)



BEST IN SHOWSh Ch Crimicar She's Electric with Tigerrock JW
BEST PUPPY IN SHOWJacranella Graceful (ai)
BEST VETERAN IN SHOWSH CH Isfryn Spot the Difference Trebettyn


Thank you so much to the Officers and the Committee of the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales for affording me the opportunity to judge at their breed Open Show, to my two very efficient stewards and to Terry Evans, the show’s photographer, all who never stopped for the entire day and finally, to the exhibitors themselves and their WSS who accepted my decisions so sportingly. The Club’s schedule advises a ‘true Welsh welcome’ and indeed, there certainly was which I very much appreciated.

Judge: Yvonne Billows


Class 1 - Veteran Dog (5 : 2ab)

1st         Williams’ Sh Ch Isfryn Spot the Difference Trebettyn – Super expression on this 8-year-old boy’s well-proportioned masculine head . Strong muscular body and well coupled. Very strong hindquarters with good rear feet enabling powerful driving action. A little down on his front pasterns today but this didn’t detract from his overall quality. Was pleased to award him BVD and BVIS

2nd        Barkley’s Sh Ch Cherryheath's Mr Mischief JW ShCM VW – Slightly taller than 1, this well-made 12-year-old of real quality had the most delightful of heads and was shown in such strong muscular condition, clearly still loving his exercise and enjoying his time in the ring. RBVD

3rd         Attwood's IR Sh Ch Kylowen Drym ShCM, ShCex


Class 2 - Minor Puppy Dog (1 : 0)

1st         Harrison's Glenbrows Amadeus – Stood alone but what a delightful quality baby of just 8 ½ months and shown in fabulous condition. He had everything to like at this stage of his development. I found him a little unsure of himself on the move today but as the wooden floor in the hall was a little bit bouncy, and I think it may have un-nerved him a little. Perhaps just needs a little more time to get it all together.

Class 3 - Puppy Dog (3 : 1)

1st         Harrison's Glenbrows Casanova – Lovely 11-month-old young man shown in super coat and condition. Of good size, he has a pleasing masculine head and expression of correct proportions, and he presented a smart profile overall. Correct angles front and rear, would prefer a tighter elbow coming forward, but had sound driving action from the rear. BPD.

2nd        Barkley's Jacranella Galahad of Cherryheath (ai) – Another 11-month-old of super quality, substantial bone, good neck into sloping shoulders and hindquarters were not overdone. Found him to be a little longer & taller than I would like, but at this age he is not yet finished. His head and expression were a joy and he moved with drive.

Class 4 - Junior Dog (3 : 1)

1st         Williams’ Nyrilam The Alibi for Trebettyn

2nd        Clarke’s Tigerrock The Wombles
– The two exhibits in this class were both of similar pleasing quality and age but of different types and there were compromises to be made in my decision. Both of them not finished yet, and the one standing first was because I just preferred the definition to his head and also his movement.
1st also had the better musculature overall and had strong moderately angled hindquarters which enabled smooth driving action from the rear. He had a level topline and good tail carriage. Would have preferred tighter feet on him.
2nd had more bone than 1st but I would have preferred a shade more length to his body and his feet to be more cat-like. His movement was sure and steady however, I would have preferred a tighter front action.

Class 5 - Yearling Dog - (1:0)

1st         Clarke’s Tigerrock Tick Tick Boom JW – Very smart substantial 22-month-old exhibit, presented in excellent coat and hard condition with defined muscle to hindquarters which enabled strong rear driving movement. He could perhaps be a little tighter in front movement. Level topline, good tail set and carriage. Tuck-up a little high at the moment which spoils his balance in profile, making him a little front heavy, but I have no doubt that this will improve as he matures.

Class 6 - Novice Dog (1 : 0)

1st         Hillard's Benoveor No Easy Way Out – Stood alone in this class but did not disgrace his new handler, who worked hard to get the best out of him as he moved nicely around the ring and covered the ground well.

Class 7 - Post Graduate Dog (3 : 1)

1st         Piggotts Hudolus Sealkiss Strumble – Lovely well-proportioned head and masculine expression on this exhibit, good neck into well laid shoulders. He moved soundly and with power from his strong hindquarters. Found him to be a little down on pasterns today. Looked very pleasing in profile on the move as he carried himself very well but today his handler did not always get the best of him when standing. RBD

2nd        Primmer's Amanshe Lone Ranger – Shown in lovely coat and condition, but not quite the balance in head proportions and body outline, A little down on pasterns and perhaps the front angulation could be better. Was a little erratic on the move today but clearly enjoyed himself going around the ring.

Class 8 - Limit Dog (1 : 0)

1st         Jones’ Trosley Tamoshanta – Lovely quality dog of almost 4 years old, shown in super coat and condition with a well firmed up body, level topline and good tail set and carriage. I found his head proportions, ear set and his melting expression a delight to examine. He looks after his own profile on the move and can show what he is made of, but I think he needs a stronger presentation when he is stacked to make the best of him. Today I liked him a lot and was willing to look past his ‘relaxed’ approach to standing! BD & BOS

 Class 9 - Open Dog (1 : 0)

1st         Clarke’s Sh Ch Tigerrock Magic Woundabout JW ShCEx OSW – Such an impressive substantial dog both standing and, on the move, and he was exceptionally well presented and oozes a certain style. Sadly, I found his head not quite the proportions I was looking for in this delightfully distinctive breed, which for me also affected expression and I could not get past these aspects when looking for my BD.

 Class 10 - Special Beginners Dog (2 : 1)

1st         Primmer's Amanshe Lone Ranger – see above

Class 11 - Special Working Dog (3 : 2) 

1st         Barkley’s Cherryheath's Mr Mojito – Fabulous muscle tone on this 9-year-old boy, who looks like he would have no problems out working. Good head shape and proportions with such kind expression. Covered the ground well on the move.

BEST DOG – Trosley Tamoshanta
RESERVE BEST DOG – Hudolus Sealkiss Strumble
BEST PUPPY DOG – Glenbrows Casanova
BEST VETERAN DOG – Sh Ch Isfryn Spot the Difference Trebettyn


Class 12 - Veteran Bitch (6 : 0) 

1st         Attwood's Kylowen Demelza VW – My goodness this 9-year-old bitch did not seem to want to make the best of herself today when stacked and sadly her handler was not always able to help her make the best of herself when standing either. So much so that her topline went into ‘relaxed’ mode occasionally. I liked her profile very much on the move when she was able to show herself off properly and with some enthusiasm. She moves true and is enabled with good front and rear angulation. I really liked the work in this girl’s head and the shape and proportions were pleasing.

2nd        Sutherland's Sh Ch Jacranella Sonata – Another lovely bitch of top quality and at almost 9 years old has retained all her fine attributes that took her to the top. She was not moving at her best today, but nevertheless she is one out of the top drawer.

3rd         Jones’ Sh Ch Julita Rumours at Trosley
4th         Whitfield's Glenbrows Heart to Heart
5th         Barkley’s Cherryheath's Miss Velocity JW

Class 13 - Minor Puppy Bitch (1 : 1)

Class 14 - Puppy Bitch (6 : 1)

1st         Sutherland's Jacranella Graceful (ai) – I so fell in love with this 11 ½ month old young lady and she is one I would have gladly taken home. She just exudes quality from her well-developed nostrils to the white tip of her well-placed tail. Plenty of bone and substance, loved her leg length to body ratio, and her pleasing front and rear angulation enables smooth sound movement. She has such a delightfully feminine head and expression which is of excellent proportions. Will watch her journey to maturity with interest. Was very pleased to award her BPB and BPIS.

2nd        Harrison's Glenbrows Harmony – Another quality youngster who is almost the same age as 1. Fabulous profile and really catches your eye in the ring with so much to like. Presented and handled well. Not as settled in rear action as 1 today.

3rd         Janes' Jacranella Georgia Belle (ai)
4th         Reynolds' Cawsandbay Sea Daisy
5th         Primmer's Amanshe Enchanted Spirit

Class 15 - Junior Bitch (1 : 0)

1st         Whitfield's Glenbrows Thought to Amberdella – At 16 months old, this immature young lady has the makings of a balanced body but is not quite there yet. She has a feminine head of good proportions with enough work in it at the moment for her growth stage. She gave her handler a hard time on the move but settled just enough to show that she could move soundly.

Class 16 - Yearling Bitch (2 : 0)

1st         Casey's Tigerrock Amazing Grace with Willowmeana – I really liked this 22-month-old bitch who was presented in lovely coat and condition. She had a beautifully feminine head of good proportions, her body shape and length were pleasing, when she let herself settle. She was another who gave her handler a very tough time when trying to move her, but once she was on a loose lead she moved quite smoothly and with considerable drive and I was able to see her soundness.

2nd        Whitfield's Glenbrows Thought to Amberdellasee above

Class 17 - Novice Bitch (3 : 0)

1st         Casey's Tigerrock Amazing Grace with Willowmeanasee above

2nd        Harrison's Glenbrows Harmonysee above

3rd         Janes' Jacranella Georgia Belle (ai)

Class 18 - Post Graduate Bitch (3 : 0)

1st         Casey's Tigerrock Lit de Roses with Willowmeana – Very much liked the overall shape of this exhibit, she was a very smart mover, and I liked her size. At almost 3 years old, her head was of pleasing proportions and her expression was undoubtedly feminine. Good body depth to leg length ratio, she gave her handler a hard time but when she settled her movement was fine. A bit down on front pasterns as are a lot of exhibits today – however, she was well put together and very well presented.

2nd        Morgan’s Benoveor Endless Love – Strongly made 3-year-old bitch of substance. Heavier overall than 1 and a little longer cast. Moved soundly and covered the ground well.

3rd         Primmer's Amanshe Mermaid's Tears

Class 19 - Limit Bitch (0)

Class 20 - Open Bitch (3:0)

1st         Clarke’s Sh Ch Crimicar She's Electric with Tigerrock JW

2nd        Harrison's Sh Ch Glenbrows Rhapsody JW – These are two beautiful bitches, both at the top of their game and could likely change positions on another day. Such was the closeness of my decision that the winner of this class was my Best Bitch and Best In Show, and the 2nd place was my Reserve Best Bitch and also Reserve Best in Show. Both of amazing quality and so soundly made with pleasing angles front and rear. Supremely feminine in every way with heads of superb proportions and gentle feminine expressions. Great reach of neck on both into such well-placed shoulders. Both presented in fabulous coat and condition, and very ably handled. For me I was really splitting hairs and whilst they both move freely with powerful ground covering action, I gave the class to 1 because this exhibit actually ‘owned’ the ring today and with such presence I could not deny her the award.

3rd         Sutherland's Jacranella Serenade

Class 21 - Special Beginners Bitch (4:0)

1st         Casey's Tigerrock Lit de Roses with Willowmeana – see above

2nd        Morgan’s Benoveor Endless Love – see above

3rd         Whitfield's Glenbrows Thought to Amberdella

4th         Primmer's Amanshe Mermaid's Tears

Class 22 - Special Working Bitch (0)


BEST BITCH – Sh Ch Crimicar She's Electric with Tigerrock JW
RESERVE BEST BITCH – Sh Ch Glenbrows Rhapsody JW
BEST PUPPY BITCH – Jacranella Graceful (ai)


Between the Dog and Bitch sessions of the main show three classes of Special Awards were judged by:

Judge: Graham Hart (Gilliegrae)

I would just like to thank the WSSCSW officers and committee for the honour of judging at their open show, what a pleasure and such a wonderful day it was, friendly and with a lovely atmosphere, I also need to thank the exhibitors for allowing me the opportunity to have hands on their lovely dogs, so very much appreciated. Thank You All.

Class A – Special Kath Morgan Memorial Junior Dog or Bitch (10 : 2)

1st         Harrison's Glenbrows Amadeus – Classy and eye catching with a good outline, lovely shape to head with nice chiselling, good eye and well set ears, neck strong into a good lay back of shoulder, good in front with plenty of bone, deep in chest with a good spring of rib, nothing excessive in body so good in proportions, well toned in rear and with an adequate turn in stifle, moved with drive powering from the rear, coat in great condition.

2nd        Barkley's Jacranella Galahad of Cherryheath (ai) – Another lovely dog showing very much to type, with a good outline on the stack, nice shaping to skull and with a good eye colour, good length to neck and well toned, front straight and with good bone, well developed chest deep and with plenty of sprung rib, rear quarters felt strong with good muscle across the loin, toned thighs and a neat bend to stifle, moved well with a smooth driving action, presented well in good condition.

3rd         Williams’ Nyliram The Alibi for Trebettyn –
4th         Whitfield's Glenbrows Thought to Amberdella
5th         Janes' Jacranella Georgia Belle (ai)

Class B – Special Kath Morgan Memorial Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (3 : 1)

1st         Primmer's Amanshe Lone Ranger – Good looking on the stack with a neat outline, nice proportions to head and with a good eye, adequate length to a strong neck, well laid back shoulder and sturdy straight front with good bone, good shape to feet, chest deep and with a good spring to rib, strong across the loin, good muscle to thighs and on a moderate bend to stifle, coat good, moved steady and with a powerful drive.

2nd        Casey's Tigerrock Lit de Roses with Willowmeana – Most definitely a female with such a gentle expression and melting eye, good proportions to head with the expressive eye, strong in neck, well laid shoulder, front good, neat with good bone and straight, depth to chest with plenty of well sprung rib, rear quarters across the loin were strong and with the stifle moderately bent with a good feel to muscle tone her movement was smooth in a reaching gait.

Class C – Special Len Morgan Memorial Open Dog or Bitch (7 : 3)

1st         Clarke’s Sh Ch Crimicar She's Electric with Tigerrock JW – Outstanding in profile and holding a good topline on the stack, sweet and expressive and a longing look, head shape good with neat plains, well chiselled under a good eye, neck sound and of good length into a well laid back shoulder, front assembly with straight well boned forelegs, good feet nicely shaped, chest deep and full of well sprung ribs, length to height of good proportions, loin strong and well muscled, 1st and 2nd thighs toned well and on a moderate bend in stifle, moved the best of all my winners with a driven powerful gait in a smooth continuous action, presented in great condition.

2nd        Barkley’s Cherryheath's Mr Mojito – Topline and overall outline was good, head shape was first-class and to type with a good eye giving a wanting pleading expression, neck was strong and with a good length, shoulders well laid back and with a sound straight front looked the business, deep in chest and with good rib, strong across the loin, no excessive bend in the stifle and having good muscle on the thighs gave the movement needed for drive and power to cover the ground.

3rd         Williams’ Sh Ch Isfryn Spot the Difference Trebettyn
4th         Jones’ Trosley Tamoshanta














