Club President Debra Roberts came up with a great idea about what to do with the prizes earmarked for our 40th Anniversary Champ Show. Following is the press release we sent out to the dog press regarding what happened. 'Our Dog' magazine kindly reproduced it in its entirety complete with photographs

WSSCSW and Purina make a timely dog food donation

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Deb and WSS Flynn, at the Hope Rescue Shop

The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales had big plans for their 40th Anniversary Championship Show earlier in the year but unfortunately, like most other clubs' shows, it had to be cancelled.

However, Club President Debra Roberts realised that the Pro-Plan dog food prizes generously supplied by Purina would be past its best before the show could be re-scheduled. Debbie therefore contacted Lorna Winter, of Purina, who kindly agreed that the Club could instead donate this year’s prizes to a local charity and they would then donate new prizes for the re-arranged show – the date of which will be announced, hopefully in the very near future.

Debbie then had the idea that the dog charity, Hope Rescue, which is based in Llanharan, South Wales, would tie in nicely with the history of the breed*, so she contacted the charity’s Fundraising Manager, Cheryl George, who was delighted to receive a very welcome boost to their Christmas effort.

* You might remember we had a plan to meet up at Llanharan in 2020 - an event that was another victim of the lockdown.

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Deb, Flynn and Cheryl, at Hope Rescue Shop

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Quite a pile of Pro-Plan - A very welcome donation.